Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 23rd 2012

So, bad bad bad bad girl. I haven't posted anything in almost a year.  What a fail!! What can I say, its been a hectic year so far with moving to Cape Town and starting college and all.  The kinds of experiences I've had down here must be some of the most intense, fun, and amazing times I have ever been through. Though there have been the dark times where I feel like going completely out of my mind.  Oh well, making a post now so I guess I'm doing ok. Har di har har.
Exams starting next week and I can honestly say I. am. freaking. out.  In all my life I have never experience subjects as hard as these, but have faith, Inez I be, awesome, I definitely am, and so forth shall pass these dreaded obstacles.  On a brighter side, Tanzania is awaiting me in less than a month, I can't wait to go! I've missed my friends, family, and just the whole Tanzanian lifestyle. One really doesn't realise the great parts about the country until you leave it.
Have to say I shall miss a great deal of people here too, for a few short months, since you know, holidays always seem a great deal shorter. Especially now it seems I may have a partner in crime in the romance department, but we shall keep that hush for now, as jinxing it would be most displeasing... says the girl who's never had a relationship. I give those reading this my sole permission to laugh, I'll laugh too.. but then again, I always laugh, at everything.  It is my drug.
Oh yes! Most importantly, I am now twenty! What an old fart.
Much adieu to those reading this, I shall try my best not to be so tardy in future.
All the best in whatever you are doing, and, if you ever get the chance, check out.  It is 'The most astounding fact', and it will change your whole outlook on the world... but you know, only if you have the time.
I'll leave you now.
Laughing. Out. Loud.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Diary of an old Fogy : Entry Two. Sunny Daze

Out in the garden, cigarette in hand, half full glass of red on the dingy steel table; she pauses to reflect on the glorious wonderland of nothing.  Taking a swift drag, she's hit with a succesion of flashbacks from one of the previous evenings.  Did she really do that? She ponders and shakes her head. Yet, in the mist, there it is, that face; his face.  Forcing her back to that one, splendid night, so many moons ago. 
That body, that face, that warmth.  That feeling. Oh, how she loved that feeling.  Daydreaming in a labyrinth of lost remembrances, a smile unknowingly spreads across her cheeks.  Lost in a momentary lapse of content bliss, she definitely wasn't ready for the bomb as she realises what has happened since then.
Back to reality, cigarettes burned up, and her glass definitely needs a refill.  With a sigh of resignation she slowly pulls her body off the chair and off to traipse on to the kitchen.  Her barefooted scuffles silently echo through the empty lounge.
Today was one of those days. Brilliantly sunny, dazzling rays of buttery sunshine cascaded down onto a wooded floor. Outside, every colour, each pigment, seems magnified to effulgent intensity. The air's quite warm, yet a gently whisper of a breeze passes through; light enough to cool things down, but deep enough to disturb the air with an aura of waited expectancy.