Thursday, September 8, 2011


Ok, so the following post is one filled with a lot of emotion, and yes.. It is dedicated to one, or two people. Yes, I am being judgmental and a total bitch, I know this but I'm going ahead anyway and releasing this pent up rage *insert smiley face here*

Let's start off with a little bit of prose..
You are the one who has been pushing me away, you’re the one who’s been distancing yourself from me.  You’re the one who’s been weird, you are the one who read a few words in my diary... you are the one who immediately assumed something that is not true. You have been ditching me, you are the one who’s been lying, been dishonest, been deceitful.  You, yes you are the culprit. If I am the bad guy, for wanting to be happy, by hanging out with people who make me laugh, who don’t make me feel like the outsider intruding in on valuable space. If finding other means of keeping sane makes me the bad guy, then so be it. If I am the bad guy, then I’ll be the worst bad guy there is.

Now let's move on to a little poem...
Tears I will not shed
For your deceitful lies.
They fill me up with dread
Under withering skies.

Alas, we both were fooled
This thing, it is not real.
However we think it could,
We both know not what we feel.

I’ll gander through this wake unclaimed
As I ponder these insightful thoughts.
What a void, a blackened state
This viral trepidation, you have called.

 ....And now we're back to a bit of Prose!
You.. I do not even have the words to describe such characteristics.  The incognito side which hid all the obvious  deceits before my very eyes. Who are you, and why were you put on this earth, if your sole goal is to steal, lie, rape and pillage your way through people like they are worth nothing more than their physical appearances. I say you rape and pillage your way into your own delectable arsehole, and please, do stay there a while and  think about the way you've gone about this past year..if not I shall be forced to do it for you. You, you splitting image of the ultimate American prime time super diva. Now, fool me once.. shame on you! Fool me twice.. well, that pits all the shame unto me.. so here's an apology for being so pathetically fooled by your faked persona that I mislead you into thinking that I would be one of the other gormless followers on your heels wherever you go. For thinking that I'd be just another mindless zombie, doomed to follow its 'master' like the poor  piper's spellbound rats.

Now, please go on ahead and have a nice future, because there's no way... -cough hell- that I'm going to have any part in it. Just do me one favour, when you decide to recruit some other poor soul, be sure to carry a warning.

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