Sunday, November 13, 2011

An insight

So I decided I had finally had enough of 'A-Town', so I packed my bags, and moved on to live at Snake Park, my second home.  Its only about 20km outside town, but hey, its better than nothing.
While here, I took up a bar tending job, and I now enjoy the life of being a total lazy arse in the day time, and working for copious hours every time the sun goes down. I have to say, it's great fun. I can literally feel myself come alive as I prepare several multicoloured shooters at a time, or serving booze to the very thirsty overland tourists pouring in. I can honestly say I have never before ben as relaxed as I am now, I absolutely adore it here.

You do meet some interesting people, and enjoy a few hilarious laughing session with the truck crews and Ma, BJ and Deon (my second family). Last night I persuaded an aloof, but nice tourist to buy himself a neon green snake park t-shirt. Brilliant. Although he came back every 5 minutes claiming that the girls in his group were giving him grief over the traffic stopping colour I appointed him. Tough cookies dude, this girl knows what looks good.

Now, amongst other things, I still get the odd nostalgic feeling now and again, even though living here is like an unofficial 'new start' for me, the place is like a whole different world! I'm practically cut off from the trials and tribulations I so left behind me in Arusha town, so why, I wonder, do I still get these bloody odd bouts of longing? One answer. I am a female, and because of that anti-feminist answer I shall now shake my head in shame. Am I seriously this much a sad excuse of a woman, to still await messages and phone calls that will never come? Mind games... the downfall of womankind, that is, if they're as downtrodden as I to let it influence them.  Be gone with yeh, foolish boy, foolish, pitiful femine feelings. In a much better phrase; fuck off! Fuck off you miserable old sod and leave me be to enjoy my joys and enlightenment as a singleton.

The diaries of an old fogey shall return shortly, soon as the old fogey has decided to get off her lazy ass and actually get ahold of a pen and make magic,

Adieu, fair and patient readers. 

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