Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Age... it really is just a number

Ok, so I know that all of us have gone through life where we have been faced at least 3... or 4 hundred times with various accusations concerning our age.

Firstly, I shall delve into the topic of sibling rivalry, and venture into the yet unexplored perspective many of us overlook... whether done purposefully, or accidentally... I do not know, I'm afraid I cannot magically guess the levels of intelligence each person out there has...I mean, I wish I was Moses.. but alas, I am not, so lets just assume everyone 'unknowingly' overlooks it.  Anyhow, back to the matter of utmost importance, there is the rather annoying nagging by our parents when we are arguing with our siblings or fighting for the remote control because, we really don't want to watch that latest rerun of Barney the purple dinosaur - I'm saying this to those guilty of this obviously unfair criticism- maybe we like acting the way we do, have you ever thought about that? 

You see, you can't exactly accuse us of not acting our age, some of us go through the traumatizing ordeal of growing up, and with it calls ardous tasks of responsibility, and I'm sure you'll agree, it is a pain in the ass. So... acting a bit childish now and again sorta lets us cherish our youth, it lets us savour those moments of triumph when we win, and laugh at the inferior sibling who had just foolishly lost the prized remote to us. Maybe...we daydream about having mud fights and building houses for frogs, and laughing our socks off every time someone farts. We all want to be a child again really.... go on, admit it.

Lastly, age is, at the end of the day.. just a number. Shocking! Isn't it? I mean... how can you determine one's age...really? How old are you? I bet you're wrong....I reckon people think they're older than they are, or younger...in some cases.  Ok, so maturity is of some importance some of the time, but not all the time. Dude, you've got to relax and grab life by the balls sometimes, you can't be a tight arse all your life, go on... have some fun! It won't hurt.... much. Just kidding... you never know, letting loose and going wild for just one night could be just the right dose of ecstacy that you need to wake up!  Right, I am hoping that this has made sense in some case... and is not just a bunch of jibber jabber as I fear. Well, if it is... I suppose you've just wasted about..1..4..6? minutes of your life! 
Har har har...and that reminds me, what's my age again?

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