Sunday, April 10, 2011


Finally holidays... well, can't really call them holidays if you're supposed to spend them revising. This sucks. At least we're nearly done with this whole school thing ... yay. Three days left to finish my art before It's sent off to England, oh my.. hope I can get this finished!

     My dear friend Jack's visiting next weekend... can't wait! Now just have to sort out the dilemma of where he's gonna stay.. since he's only allowed to stay at my house for two nights.. blah. Can't believe he's actually visiting though, it seems surreal.

     Arusha, Arusha, Arusha. You're such a small town, yet why do u bring so much drama? Is it because everyone's cooped up for so long that they have no reason but to take it out on each other? Beats me, all I know is drama... this form of it anyways.. is rather annoying. Get over yourselves people. Just because she said that he said that she said she doesn't like that guy's pantyhouse, doesn't mean your life is gonna end.

     The sun is shining so brightly through this study window... about 6 pm now, can't believe these days go by so fast. It makes me think... Life is like an apple tree, each day is like an apple. Juicy and tempting, you take a bite at a time, and you relish the taste of each. Then you discard it onto a pile of yesterday's waste, wondering when it had disappeared.
     Rising at practically the crack of dawn tomorrow, to go to school (gosh, how lame is that) and finish my darned art. Don't get me wrong.. I love art, but it can be a bit of a drag when you're pressured.

    So... I guess I shall now go and conspire a few different ways to torture my sister, who has succeeded in being a major pain in the rear today.

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